If you need to seek help for your mental health in a non-emergency you should speak to your GP in the first instance.
Urgent help
Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Single Point of Access (SPA) Team provides an access point for referrals by health care professionals to specialist mental health services in Leeds. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Further details about the SPA can be found on the Urgent Referrals page of the Trust’s website.
What should I do if there is an immediate risk?
If you have concerns for your mental state and you feel there is an immediate and serious danger to yourself or another person:
call 999 immediately for an ambulance or the police
or you can also call 111 when you need medical advice fast but it’s not a 999 emergency
Online advice – MindWell
The MindWell website is the single ‘go to’ place for information about mental health in Leeds. It allows anyone living or working in Leeds, including GPs and other professionals, to get quick, easy and direct access to up-to-date mental health information.
The Leeds Crisis Card: “Feel like you’ve had enough?”
This handy card (PDF) is produced by Leeds City Council’s public health department.