The Shakespeare Medical Centre can provide health advice and treatments for a range of conditions. It also provides traditional GP services for registered patients, and people not registered with the GP practice.
The walk-in centre can be used if you have a minor illness or if you are worried about your health, but it is not an emergency. You can go there for things like coughs, chest infections, fevers, sore throats and headaches.
Please note
Before attending an urgent treatment centre, you must call NHS 111 or the centre directly. You will initially be given a remote consultation and then informed when to attend in order to maintain social distancing.
You can either go online at 111.nhs.uk or telephone 111. The service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.
The NHS 111 service is staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses and paramedics. They’ll ask you questions to assess your symptoms, then give you the healthcare advice you need or direct you to the local service that can help you best.
That could be A&E, an out-of-hours doctor, an urgent care centre, a walk-in centre, a community nurse, an emergency dentist, or a late-opening chemist.
Where possible, the NHS 111 team will book you an appointment or transfer you directly to the people you need to speak to.
Find your local NHS pharmacy, Minor Injuries Unit (MIU), Walk-in Centre or other NHS services